I've noticed that I am attracted to passionate people. I've also noticed that some of the most passionate people are pursuing passions that leave them empty and wanting. This especially happens in Christian circles where service seems to be the place where most passionate people pour their passion into. Helping the poor, saving orphans, rescuing sex slaves, showing mercy to the homeless- these are all good things to pour our passions into, but it is not the ultimate passion.
The ultimate passion is God himself. I really beleive that those who are seeking God the most are on the front lines of service, but I also think that they are two steps to the left of their true passion. Jesus is the only person that can define us and I find that so often those invloved in service tend to define themselves by their good deeds. I say this becasue I am one of those passionate people. I spent years and years traveling to different countries, serving the poor, helping the needy, hanging with the homeless, but I was empty. I still needed God myself. In fact being with the poor forced me to consider my own need. They forced me to articulate my own need for a Savior. My passion has since turned. I am passionate about service. But more than that, I am passionate about being loved by God. I have been on a path to pour all of my passion into being loved. From this place, my passionate heart can be filled with the passion from above. I feel lighter, less inclined to define myself by how many people I help. My passion to be with Jesus leads me to compassion towards others.
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